His real working life started at Autoland van den Brug, as an intern at Audi in Drachten. He then grew into a full-fledged salesman for the VW and Audi brands. In 2015, Eeltje made an ambitious step: he became sales manager at Volkswagen. Three years later, he was back at his old base: Audi. Here, too, he managed a team of salespeople. “For 17 years I enjoyed working at Autoland Van den Brug very much. I was given a huge number of opportunities there and was able to build a nice network.”
“Surely the most special from that time is the extended Audi A8 I sold in 2013. The customer in question wanted to drive with a driver and an A8 Long was not big enough. So I looked for a party that could extend the car. Remetz Car was that party. They literally sawed the car in half, extended it by 45 centimeters and rebuilt everything with fantastic quality. An exciting exercise with a grandiose outcome,” beams Eeltje.
“Meanwhile, King Willem Alexander drives the exact same version. Nice isn’t it!”

Eeltje did more extraordinary things. He assembled dozens of dream cars, took unique trips with clients and was an early adapter at international auctions. “I am a car enthusiast pur sang, but I am perhaps even more of a relationship man. I believe everything depends on a good relationship.”
“There has to be a click; I always look for a win-win situation.”
But, more and more it began to itch: “Could I do it myself? Set up my own dealership? Just sell enthusiast cars without being tied to one specific brand? Looking for damage-free cars every day, with complete service history and of course the best specifications?”
March 24, 2020, things got serious. Eeltje registered at the Chamber of Commerce and since then he has been doing what he loves most: making car lovers happy with unique gems in all price categories. He does this through his carefully curated collection and consulting work.