Levy Classic Cars GmbH u. Co. KG

We can also do with classics!

The number of registrations for young and oldtimers is growing steadily and the trend is towards classic vehicles. Of course, we are involved in this trend and are happy to make our rarity know-how available to you. Our Classic Cars specialists have many years of extensive expertise in this demanding field and are passionate about selling the best from the 70s, 80s and 90s for you. Let yourself be inspired by our Classic Cars offer and talk to us.

Service is our top priority

The number of registrations for young and oldtimers is growing steadily and the trend is towards classic vehicles. Of course, we are involved in this trend and are happy to make our rarity know-how available to you.

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Stefan Kroll

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Levy Classic Cars GmbH u. Co. KG

About us


Special vehicles require special care

Of course we will be happy to assist you with our professional know-how even after you have purchased your special vehicle. Our specially trained Porsche mechanics ensure that you continue to enjoy your piece of jewelry and that it retains its value.

Our service for you upon purchase:

  • vehicle transfer
  • registration service
  • financial services
  • Conclusion of guarantees/insurance
  • Vehicle purchase with link to the form
  • Preparation of valuation reports (classic data)

Our service for you and your investment:

  • Main and exhaust gas inspection
  • Maintenance and repair work (also age-appropriate)
  • engine seals
  • engine repairs
  • Preparation of valuation reports (classic data)

Our history

The Levy family has been in the automotive industry since 1972. The success story began with the marketing of used vehicles by the Levy brothers in Cologne.

As early as 1984 they became contractual partners of Toyota Deutschland GmbH.
With the conversion of the Toyota sales system, Autohaus Yvel Düsseldorf GmbH & Co. KG and Autohaus Yvel Köln GmbH & Co. KG were founded in 2003. With this important step in the company's development, the concentration on the markets was professionalized and ensured.

As "founding members", the Toyota dealership and the Lexus forum of Yvel Düsseldorf GmbH & Co. KG are celebrating the official opening of Europe's largest car mile on the Höherweg.

At the Frechen location (Cologne), we begin the professional sale of young and oldtimers. At the same time, a service department is set up.

The sister company Levy Motor Company GmbH & Co. KG opens a new used car center in Lutherstadt Wittenberg.

The Wittenberg used car center becomes an authorized dealer for the KIA brand and thus expands its range to include the sale of new KIA models.

The "Yvel Classic Cars" department is founded at the Düsseldorf- Garath location in order to meet the growing market for young and oldtimers.

For the company's 30th anniversary, the previous locations of Autohaus Yvel Köln GmbH & Co. KG in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, Frechen and Euskirchen and the two branches of Autohaus Yvel Düsseldorf GmbH & Co. KG will be reopened merged and have since operated under the name of Auto Levy GmbH & Co. KG. As a result of the merger, the "Levy Classic Cars" division is also expanded to include the Frechen location and is now ideally positioned with the Cologne and Düsseldorf metro markets.

Auto Levy GmbH & Co. KG currently employs around 300 people at 9 locations in North Rhine-Westphalia, 35 of whom are trainees, and 11 work for Levy Motor Company GmbH & Co. KG in Wittenberg Employees, including 3 trainees.


We are founding a subsidiary of Auto Levy and Die "Levy Classic Cars GmbH & Co. KG", under which we can now offer you our service and sales for young and oldtimers even more professionally .

June 2018

Motorworld Cologne opens and we are there. We are now concentrating on one sales location, the center of the classic car trade in Cologne. Motorworld will be a huge trading platform and meeting place for lovers of classic automobiles. As a highlight, Motorworld will present the Michael Schumacher private collection as a permanent exhibition. We continue to offer you our professional service in Frechen.

January 2023

We are back at our location in Düsseldorf South with sales and also our workshop.

This guarantees you a perfect all-round service.

The basis for a successful 21st century has been laid!

33 good reasons why we are the right partner for you.

1. Experience
You benefit from the combination of our knowledge and many years of experience.
2. Selection
A constantly changing range guarantees you a large selection.
3. Security
You can get any Old. -or Youngtimer with guarantee.
4. Value for money
You get a very good price-performance ratio because we pay attention to high quality when selecting vehicles.
5. All from a single source
You are looking for financing partners, licensers, workshops. With us as your partner, you have everything under control.
6. Lifeblood and passion
You will find out that we love our business.
7. Always up to date
Even in the classic car trade, time does not stand still. Constant further training is a matter of course for us
8. Long-term cooperation
Even after the purchase, we are there for you.
9. Personal support
Personally available for you if you need advice and support. This is how we understand advice.
10. Transparency
You would like to see all documents, take a test drive, see the car on stage. Everything is possible with us.
11. Compliance with promises
You will receive all agreements in writing and are guaranteed.
12. Speed
If it has to be quick, we will step on the gas for you.
13. Free advice
Sounds obvious. You can rely on us.
14. Enthusiastic customers
Repeat buyers, collectors and an unbelievable number of loyal customers are our best reference.
15. Ambience
People like to shop in a nice atmosphere. You will feel comfortable with us in Motorworld.
16. Complaints
Something can always happen. You can be sure that we will take care of it quickly.
17. Fairness
Together we look for solutions.
18. Vehicle transport
We organize the transport of your vehicle according to your wishes, throughout Europe.
19. Availability
You can contact us via all digital and analogue media and you will surely get an answer.
20. Tested quality
You always get a vehicle that has been workshop tested.
21. Competence in service
Many years of experience save you unnecessary workshop costs. Repair instead of just replacing. The originality is preserved.
22. Tips and Tricks
Would you like to gain an insight into the technology of your vehicle or repair it yourself? You get help from us.
23. Service transparency
You are welcome to be there live when your darling gets his service.
24. Spare part
Rely on us to get you all possible and impossible spare parts.
25. Short decision paths
You will get a quick answer. All employees have the competence and confidence to make decisions.
26. Financial security
You trust a strong company. As a subsidiary of Auto Levy GmbH & Co. KG you have a reliable partner.
27. Trade-ins
Trade-in your car to us. You get a fair market price. It doesn't matter whether it's an oldtimer, a youngtimer or almost new.
28. Opening hours
You can visit us 7 days a week. The opening time of Motorworld is
8 am – 8 pm. You are also welcome to arrange an individual appointment with us.
29. When are you free?
If you wish, we can also come to you with the vehicle of your choice. (Weather dependent)
30. Brokerage of vehicles
You will benefit from our contacts and we will find a customer for you. Offer us your car.
31. Historical appraisals
You can have us create a historical appraisal for every classic car.
32. From person to person
You are our partner and not just our customer.
33. We burn
And we want to infect you.

Levy Classic Cars GmbH u. Co. KG



Levy Classic Cars GmbH & Co. KG
Schuchardstrasse 4
40595 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 / 81995000
E-Mail: kroll@LevyClassicCars.de


Levy Classic Cars GmbH & Co. KG
Schuchardst. 4
40595 Düsseldorf
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Düsseldorf

Registergericht Amtsgericht Düsseldorf Handelsregister A 24701

Vertreten durch die persönlich haftende Gesellschafterin: Levy Classic Cars Verwaltung GmbH wird vertreten durch die Geschäftsführer: Carlos Levy, Frank Levy, Patric Levy
Amtsgericht Düsseldorf Handelsregister B 82167
USt.-ID-Nr.: DE 315115110

Angaben zur Versicherungsvermittlung gemäß § 11 VersVermV:
Versicherungsvermittlerregister (Gemeinsame Registerstelle gem. § 11a Abs. 1 GewO): Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag (DIHK) e.V., Breite Straße 29, 10178 Berlin, www.vermittlerregister.info
Gebundener Versicherungsvertreter nach § 34d Abs. 4 GewO, Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Register-Nr.: D-LBD6-GNA3A-50,

Zuständige Behörde: Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Düsseldorf Straße Ernst-Schneider-Platz 1 PLZ 40212 Ort Düsseldorf
Eingetragener Vermittler: AUTOLEVY GmbH & Co. KG
Berufsrechtliche Regelungen: § 34d GewO, §§ 59-73 VVG, VersVermV:
Die berufsrechtlichen Regelungen können über die vom Bundesministerium der Justiz und von der juris GmbH betriebenen Homepage www.gesetze-im-internet.de eingesehen und abgerufen werden.
Mitglied der Industrie- und Handelskammer Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Düsseldorf Straße Ernst-Schneider-Platz 1 PLZ 40212 Ort Düsseldorf
Angaben zur Schlichtungsstelle für Streitigkeiten zwischen Versicherungsvermittlern und Versicherungsnehmern gemäß § 214 Abs. 1 S. 1 Nr. 2 VVG
Versicherungsombudsmann e.V.
Leipziger Straße 121, 10117 Berlin
Postfach 080632, 10006 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 20 60 58 – 0
Fax: +49 30 20 60 58 – 58
E-Mail: info@versicherungsombudsmann.de

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